SEE UPDATE :: Oka.. sorry but i was in hurry to give you the news about the launch of TATA Nano! The first much waited 1 lack car! The official launch of Nano is on 23th March in mumbai by Mr. Ratan Tata.
After the launch of the Nano, the booking will be started in the second week of April, as it will be distributed through Dealers. The delivery may take time upto the starting of Month May. Here it is quite tough to get Nano as they have planed to give Nano on draw based scheme. Not all people will get the Nano immediately. They may have to wait for the delivery of it!! Tata is planning to sell about 50000-60000 units of Nano in India.

Nano will be available in three different variant. Base model, CX and LX. Each three model will be differ from each other in comfort, flexibility and other features.There will also difference in prices. None of these models will have power steering.
Top speed of car is about 105 kmph. And it will catch the speed of 60 in just 8 seconds. Nano comes with tube-less tyres and there is also enough facility for secury!!
LX will be top model and will be having vacuum brakes. The top end model will have central lock system, cooler, hitter for the cold season. The front two seats are also flexible. There is no music system in the car, but they had provide all facility for those who want to put music systems at their own!!! The car is basically invented for those who want cheap but fully loaded car!!!
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